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FloraZyme EFA  8 oz (227 gm)

FloraZyme EFA 8 oz (227 gm)

Product Information

For optimum vitality, proper digestion of nutrients is essential. FloraZyme EFA contains highly concentrated enzymes to replace those destroyed by pet food processing. Friendly bacteria help maintain normal intestinal function. Safflower petals have essential fatty acids and other nutrients vital for skin health and immune system function.

    Enzymes, Probiotics, Herbal Essential Fatty Acids

    For optimum vitality, proper digestion of nutrients is essential. FloraZyme EFA contains highly concentrated enzymes to replace those destroyed by pet food processing. Friendly bacteria help maintain normal intestinal function. Safflower petals have essential fatty acids and other nutrients vital for skin health and immune system function.


    1/4 teaspoon contains the following, in a base of vegetable fiber:

    Fungal Protease 12,000 HUT
    Fungal Amylase 4,000 DU
    Fungal Lipase 50 LU
    Fungal Cellulase 67 CU
    Lactobacillus acidophilus 400 million
    Bifidobacteria 200 million
    Safflower petals 75 mg

    For all pets, put FloraZyme EFA on every meal. Use 1/4 teaspoon per cup of food. Double the dose for the first month and during times of stress or illness. For best results, moisten dry pet foods with warm water. Allow 4 to 6 weeks for results. It may be necessary to introduce FloraZyme EFA in very small amounts and increase dose slowly.

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