Calculating Calcium Requirements

Many People had ask that in EggShellent Calcium instructions is instructed to give one teaspoon (1900 mg of calcium) for each one pound of food. Everywhere else we have seen that the dosage should be 900 mg for every one pound of food. Can we explain why our dosage suggestion is more than double?
I know this is complicated answer but I don't know how else.
When calculating calcium requirements, multiple factors come into play.
First, and most well-known is the calcium phosphorus ratio. The NRC 2006 recommendation is minimum 1.1 and maximum 2.1.
Second is the percentage of calcium in the food (excluding water content). Raw meat is approximately 75% water meaning that one pound of meat (454 grams) is just under 114 grams of actual meat. The recommendation is 0.5-1.8% of this should be calcium.
Third is 1,250 - 3,000 mg. per 1,000 Calories. One pound of meat is in the range of 1,000 Calories.
The final criterion is 242 mg calcium per kg. body weight. This is the least useful and was not considered in the calculations to follow.
Perhaps the least quantifiable but most important factor is individual variation in absorption. Other dietary ingredients may interfere with absorption as well.
One pound of raw meat contains approximately 1,000 mg phosphorus and 100 mg calcium. Adding one teaspoon of EggShellent gives an additional 1,900 mg. calcium for a total of 2,000 or a 2:1 calcium phosphorus ratio. It also provides 1.6% of the diet as calcium and 2,000 mg. per 1,000 Calories.
All of these range from the middle to upper ends of the ranges described. This allows a cushion for situations where absorption is less than ideal. This dosage also takes into account that the body can regulate calcium absorption to prevent overage but cannot create calcium in case of deficiency.
One half teaspoon per pound of meat is the minimum recommendation.
These are general guidelines and actual use should be guided by a knowledgeable nutritional counselor.